The Arrival of Islam to Africa

Society- African continent
Time Period- 600 to 700 CE

Before Arrival of Islam-
·         They shared aspects of language and beliefs.
·         The vast size and culture were impossible to avoid.
·         The stateless societies lacked concentrated authority structures, and at times they had more people then what they organized.
·         The secret societies were in the West African forests. They delayed ability to respond to outside pressures like long distance trade.
·         Bantu migrations
·         Bantu speakers created a linguistic base
·         Animism (Belief of natural forces personified as gods)
·         Priests, cosmology
·         Like China they believed deceased ancestors were linked to the afterlife.
·         Diverse economy

·         Traveling mystics came, and so did Muslim warriors and religious traders which brought in Islam.

Change Analysis by Reema N