The Atlantic Slave Trade

            Slaves have been used throughout history. Slaves were always used in society. They would be used for labor, education, and household work. In many societies, the use of slaves as a whole differed. In 1500-1800 C.E., slaves from Africa were brought to the New World. The young adult’s were taken from their tribes and left their elders and young. During this time period the world changed completely. This migration of people left young Africans to grow up without guidance, let trade become a world wide network, and caused a new approach to the word slave.
            When African’s were being sent to the New World, only the fittest went. Once this part of the population left Africa, only elders and children remained in the African tribes. Once the elder’s died, there was no one for the children to learn from. Children became the tribe itself and weren’t taught anything that would prepare them for adulthood. With no role model, the tribes turned to violence. Over the years Africa as a whole has only come to know violence. The abilities they would have learned if an adult was there were lost. Once slaves were moved to the New World, trade could begin at a world wide level.
            When the New World wasn’t discovered yet, trading was centered in the Northeastern part of the world. The Mediterranean was a large trading network in the center of trading routes. At this point of time, Western Europe and China were the farthest points of the known world. When the New World was discovered, trading finally became world wide.  Africans were transported to do labor in the New World. Tomatoes, from the New World, were traded to places like England and Italy. New exports were discovered and the world economy thrived. As African’s were transported to the New World, the word slave is forever changed in history.
            Before the discovery of the New World slaves were, in some areas, prisoners from other areas that could be free after time. Their jobs would be teaching, household work, as well as other possible tasks. When the New World was discovered, people were needed to work the land. England’s only choice for slaves was the people of Africa. England never used slaves in their own land because they knew that the farmers would revolt if their jobs were taken. It was impossible for African’s to take another’s job in a new land, so they were used. A huge chunk of Africa’s population was taken, and many didn’t even survive the trip to the New World. They were forced into labor and treated like live stock.
            After the Atlantic slave trade, the world took the word slave into a different meaning. Slaves no longer meant a prisoner working for freedom. After African’s were forced to the New World, slaves became people forced to do whatever they are bid to do.  The role of slaves forever changed in history. The New World as a whole though, changed history. It created a complete world. In the 1500-1800 C.E., Africans were brought to the New World. This migration of people forced young Africans to learn on their own, let the economy become worldwide with trading routes, and forever changed the world “slave”.

Essay By Alexandra E