
 Think about the status of women throughout history. As many people can see, in most cases, it hasn’t been good. However, there have been some instances where a woman marks her territory on her country and the world with her charm, political experience, charisma, and intelligence. Many countries would stick up their nose in reaction to someone suggesting a woman ruler, but not Egypt. Cleopatra, technically Cleopatra VII, was a woman who knew how to keep her country in order by flirting with the leaders of other countries, and managing to maintain the independent power Egypt had intact. However, in the tough times of the Hellenistic Period in Egypt, there were a few things she didn’t accomplish. Cleopatra was a woman who made mistakes, but made Egypt soar for the last few years of it having a pharaoh. 

One of the things Cleopatra was best at was flirting with the male rulers of other countries to get her way. A not very known fact about Cleopatra is that while Julius Caesar was staying in Ptolemy’s palace, she snuck in and tried to seduce him in order for him to proclaim her as queen. Another example of this is how her love with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony helped keep Egypt independent for 20 years. That was her plan all along—to join forces with Rome so she could assure Egypt’s independence in the shaping of the empire. However, after Rome conquered Egypt, she killed herself.

Another thing that defined Cleopatra’s character was her intelligence and ability to rule. She was actually born in Macedonia, and after traveling to Egypt, she had to use her intelligence to get her way. She spoke seven different languages, and was very clever in the ways she used to help her country thrive. She even helped stabilize Egypt at a low point in its years—a time of war. 

While Cleopatra had things that made her a good ruler of Egypt, she also had things that made her as dumb as a stump. For example, she got a little too power crazy, and attempted to become queen of Rome. Another thing that lead to her downfall is that she sometimes let her heart lead instead of her head. When Cleopatra used her womanly powers to get her way with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, she fell in love. While it was clear that being with Julius Caesar would have made a better match for her politically and would have helped her country, she turned to Mark Antony instead, who didn’t have as much power and couldn’t offer her country as much. 

Cleopatra was a woman of intelligence and persuasion, who knew how to rule her country. She used sex and love to get what she wanted, and she didn’t let anyone stand in her way. Her allies with Rome made her country of Egypt not have any wars or anything with them, which was a benefit considering Egypt was already in a war, and she handled it quite well. Some things led to her downfall though, like her following her heart instead of her head at times. All in all however, Cleopatra was one of the most influential and amazing leaders of all time. 

Essay By: Gianna H