A Timeline of the Hellenistic Period

323 BC: 
Death of Alexander the Great-He specifically died on June 10, 232 BC in Babylon. He died due to a fatal illness.

322 BC: 

Death of Aristotle-Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and a teacher of Alexander the Great. He died on March 7, 322 BC in Chalcis, Greece from an unknown stomach illness.

307 BC:

Epicurus established his school in Athens- This school was also called The Garden. Women were allowed into his school and he even let one of his slaves attend.

300 BC:

Stoic school founded by Zeno of Citium- The school was established to study philosophy; also Zeno of Citium was a Greek philosopher.

297 BC:

Library and Museum at Alexandria Founded- This library was said to be the greatest library of the time period. According to the Letter of Aristeas, the library was originally organized by Demetrius of Phalerum.

264- 241 BC:

First Punic War- The war was between Ancient Carthage and the Roman Republic. The war started because Messana and Syracuse were in a war and Messana asked for help. Romans arrived first and didn’t allow the Carthaginians to fight with them. In conclusion, the Carthaginians allied with Syracuse and came to war with Rome.

218- 202 BC:

Second Punic War- Also known as The Hannibalic war and it lasted for four years. Also the Hannibal at Zama took place in 202 BC. 

149- 146 BC:

Third Punic War- This war took place in Carthage and this city was destroyed by the war. Also, the Romans won the war.

59 BC: 

First Triumvirate Created- The First Triumvirate included a political alliance of Marcus Licinius Crassus, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, and Gaius Julius Caesar.
Assassination of Julius Caesar- Julius Caesar was killed on Marc 15, 44 BC in front of the Roman Senate.

44 BC
Second Triumvirate Created- Was different from the first because it included different members. The members were Marc Antony, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus , and Octavian Augustus.

43 BC

Battle of Actium- This was the final war of the Roman Republic. It was fought between a combined military of Mark Antony and Cleopatra and Octavian let the opposing side.

31 BC
Reign of Augustus-The reign was located in Rome.

29 BC- 14 AD
Birth of Jesus of Nazareth- He was born in Bethlehem on December 25. He was also part of the Roman Empire. 

Timeline Created By: Ashley O