The Abbasid Empire and People

The Abbasid Empire- A brief list of helpful information

·         They had a diverse nature of administration.
·         Military proficient, but not bent on imperial expansion.
·         Influenced by Alexander the Great who also moved Greek capital to Baghdad.
·         Their bureaucracy looks like the Greek’s.
·         With their imperial expansion they got money.
·         Dar-al-Islam: Muslim world; the countries where Muslims can practice their religion freely.
·         They promoted universities; very logical empire.
·         Trade side effects with disease.
·         Caliph Harun al-Rashid (786-809 CE)
o His caliph rule was the high point of the dynasty.
o Baghdad was made center of commerce.
o Great cultural activity.

·        Decline of the Abbasids
o  Caliph dies, the sons of Harun go through a civil war.
o Governors asserted regional independence.
o Sultans turned to the real power behind the throne.

·         Women Decline
o The males dominated the Abbasid society and imagined women were possessed with incurable lust, therefore man needed to be segregated from all women in the family which brings in the harem and veil.

Abbasid Empire key information by Reema N