People of the Forest and Plains

Name of Group(s): People of the Forest and Plains
Time Period: Around 1000 C.E.
Location: Central Africa
Important Neighbors: Mecca, Hausa, Italy, Germany, etc.

            The villages in the forests and plains in Africa were grouped in many small villages in their own communities.  These societies depended on their varied agricultural knowledge in order to survive.  They were also aware of herding at the time.  Many of these societies were familiar with iron and metal tools and used them consistently.  They also had a big influence on other cultures with their various art forms, building and architectural settings, statecraft, and highly urbanized forms.

            These small villages weren’t as tightly knit as other successful cultures.  Some areas were formed into states which brought up riots.  These communities did not want large territories under the rule of one person.  When some of the people in these communities tried to do that, there were riots and arguments about whether it was right for their culture or not.  In addition to strained political forms, these areas were illiterate.  There is no known writing system found for this culture while other empires such as Kush and Egypt had already established a writing system.  They taught the people of their culture how to do their particular techniques (such as agriculture) by showing them, not writing it down.

Impact on Neighbors:
            Although there’s not much proof, the village of Nok is predicted to have had a huge impact on many different societies.  They were very advanced in their agricultural ideas as well as in their tool making and metal work.  They are somewhat of a mystery, however, many believe that they had big influences on other societies around Africa.  Yoruba influenced the Hausa culture with their language and also may have influenced Italy and Germany with their ideas of city-states.

            These cultures expressed many agricultural ideas that were used in many other areas of the world as well as their own.  They also had big influences with tool making and metal working which also influenced other societies.  Their idea of city-states spread to other cultures which are still seen today. 

People Analysis By: Sara H