The Position of Women in the Abassid Society

The Position of Women in the Abbasid Society
Society- Abbasids
Time Period- 750 to 1258

·         Creation of Baghdad
·         Independent dynasty was established in Algeria and Morocco
·         War succession between the princes of the Abbasids
·         Persian Buyids capture Baghdad
·         Gunzi raids in India
·         Turks overthrow Buyids
·         First Christian crusade in Palestine
·         Establishment of Delhi Sultanate
·         Spread of Islam to Southeast Asia
·         Fall of Acre
·         Fall of Baghdad

Women Before-
·         In seclusion
·         Forbade female infanticide
·         Men could marry four wives, but treat them equally
·         Women got to have a say in who they want to marry
·         Bride’s price would be paid by husband’s family to his future wife rather than the father
·         God treated men and women equally
·         Were not allowed to lead prayers
·         Active in politics
·         Had wide range of occupations such as law, scholars, and commerce.
·         Chided if they did not wear their veil in public

Women After-
·         Had harem and veil (like before, except harem was added)
·         Wives and concubines (personal prostitutes) of Abbasid caliphs were restricted to the forbidden quarters of the imperial palace.
·         Female and male slaves performed household services to the wealthy.
·         Slaves were praised for beauty and intelligence.
·         Lower class women worked.
·         Upper class women were not allowed any career outlets; they were only at home.
·         Married at puberty, they had to devote their life to the house and the serving of their husband.

Change Analysis by Reema N