The Bantus

        The Bantus were a colony of people moving from their original homeland and spreading to other parts of Africa.  The Bantus had many influences over many parts in Africa.  They spread their language to the coast and their agriculture to the central part of Africa.  The Bantus spread to many parts such as the south taking their culture with them.  Along with that, they shared their knowledge and traditions still seen in Africa today.

        Originally, the Bantus lived in the western part of Africa—near the Niger Delta Basin.  However, they then migrated out to other areas—like southern, northern, and eastern as well as central parts of Africa.  While Bantu is more of a language then a culture these groups helped spread their knowledge of agriculture to these parts of Africa.  This was very important as their source of food and was vital to their forms of living.  With their help their economy grew which made more forms of trade throughout Africa—especially in the coastal areas.

        However, the Bantus also contributed a lot to African culture as far as language goes.  They spread their language to major parts of Africa.  By the 13th century, trading ports had been established along the coastal areas.  These ports shared a common language—it was based off of the Bantu language and influenced by the Arabs.  This language was called Swahili and was very important to their culture.  While there were many other cultural similarities, the towns were ruled by separate Muslim ruling families.  The Bantu and Islamic cultures were mixed together to create the culture the Swahili Coast developed.  Bantu agriculture, language, inventions, and discoveries were very important to their development.

        Another important migration for the Bantu herds was the transition from Nigeria to southern Africa.  They migrated to the southern rainforests near the Congo River, to the southern savannahs, and eventually to the East coast.  By the 13th century, they had reached the southern tip of Africa.  For unknown reasons, the Bantus started to form into little kingdoms such as the Luba peoples.  The idea of kinship dissolved from their culture and they formed into emperor based kingdoms which influenced many parts of Africa.  

        In the end, the Bantus had a huge impact of Africa that is still shown today.  With all of their influences on Africa, they’ve played a large part in its history and culture.  They gave a lot of their knowledge to their homelands while also spreading it to other parts of the world.  The Bantus had a huge influence on the world over periods of time.  Without their cultural practices, Africa wouldn’t be what it is today.                                                                                          
Essay By: Sara H