Decline of the Ottomans and Safavids


Time Period: 1299-1923
Characteristics of Society One: multicultural, absorbed culture of conquered regions
Political: religious law, jurisprudence, balanced central and local authority.
Social: organized through millets (major religious groups that created their own communities), mixture of eastern and western life
Economic: major commercial and industrial work, made productive classes prosperous
Religious: shamanism before adopting Islam
Military: complex system of recruiting


Time Period: 1501-1736
Characteristics of Society Two: well behaved and educated, strict etiquette
Political: checks and balances, gov’t and local, no real parliament
Social: meritocracy (based on basis of worth and not birth) but still had basic hierarchy
Economic: exports were spice, textiles, metal, coffee, and sugar
Religious: Shia Islam

Comparison By Hagen A