People Analysis: Yoruba speaking people of Nigeria

Name of group: Yoruba speaking people of Nigeria

Time Period- 1000 C.E.

Location: Nigeria, Africa

Important Neighbors: Hausa, Edo


-          The Yoruba people excelled in art.  They sculpted from wood and ivory.

-          The Yoruba people were highly urbanized.

-          The Yoruba people developed many city-states each ruling about a 50 ft mile radius.

-          They were an agricultural society supported by a peasantry.

-          They had a ruling-family and an aristocracy.

-          At one point, Yoruba had a very powerful kingdom and military. (i.e. Yoruba kingdom of Benin)


-          Suffered military defeats

Effects on Neighbors:

-          The Yoruba speaking peoples of Nigeria’s religious practices rubbed off on their neighbors slightly.


-          The Yoruba speaking peoples of Nigeria are known for the lifelike quality of their portraits and sculptures. Much of their art was centered on kingship and authority.

-          The Yoruba speaking peoples were also known for their literature.